We are proud to support Elizabeth Dee of The Edward Dee Fund

We are proud to support Elizabeth Dee of The Edward Dee Fund

Published 07-09-2018

We’re always happy to help a worthy cause at Cox Motor Group, and we were delighted to present Elizabeth Dee of The Edward Dee Fund with a cheque for a cool £1,000.

Liz approached us and asked us if we could help both to raise awareness and raise some badly needed funds in her quest to become a full time campaigner for the Edward Dee Fund.

Of course we said we’d do all we could to help and in turn we organised an incredibly successful football tournament and fun day which took place at Halton in July. It was a great day, showcasing the intense rivalry between competing teams in the Cox Motor Group (no broken bones you’ll be pleased to know!) It did so much for Liz and her important work.

David Cox, Managing Director

Pictured is David Cox, his wife and Edward Dee Fund supporter, Debbie and Liz Dee.

If you would also like to help Liz, you’ll find all you need to know at www.theedwarddeefund.org

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